S.No | Name and Designation (Shri/Ms) | Officers Image | Official Address | Contact No. / E-mail ID |
1 | Sh. Sanjeev Shrivastava Principal Chief Controller of Accounts |
Room No. 105, 'B' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 91-11-23702279
Fax: 91-11-23702423 E-Mail: prcca-cbic[at]gov[dot]in |
2 | Shri Hemant Jain Chief Controller of Accounts |
Room No. 110 'B' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 011-23702428
Fax: E-Mail: ccacbic-revenue@gov.in |
3 | Sh. Rushikesh Kodgi Controller of Accounts |
Room No. 108 'B' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 91-11-23702480
Fax: E-Mail: rushikesh[dot]kodgi[at]gov[dot]in |
4 | Shri Raveen K Manoharan Assistant Controller of Accounts (Expenditure Coordination Section) |
Room No. 111, 'B' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 91-11-23702480
Fax: E-Mail: raveenk.manoharan@gov.in |
S.No | Sr. AO's Name & Present Charge | Officers Image | Official Address | Contact No. / E-mail ID |
1 | Shri Subhash Chander Sr. Accounts Officer (Internal Audit Wing) |
PAO, Central Excise, Room No.267 2nd Floor CR Building New Delhi |
Ph: 011-23702282
Fax: E-Mail: cbecinternalaudit[at]yahoo[dot]com s.solanky[at]gov[dot]in |
2 | Subhashini R. Sr.Accounts Officer(GST-IT & ARPIT) |
Room No. 110, 'A' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 04428331084
Fax: E-Mail: subhashini.r[at] gov[dot]in gstcell-hq[at]gov[dot]in |
3 | Bharti Tuli Sr. Accounts Officer (GST-IT & ARPIT, Banking & Revenue Coordination) |
Room No. 104 'A' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 91-11-23702300
Fax: E-Mail: gstcell-hq[at]gov[dot]in revenue-bankingcoord[at]gov[dot]in |
4 | Ms. Richa Arora Sr. Accounts Officer {GST-IT Settlement, Accounts Appropriation & Compilation and BR Section} |
Room No. 105, 'A' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 91-11-23702274
Fax: E-Mail: prccacbic-accounts[at]gov[com]in gstcell-hq[at]gov[dot]in brpcca123[at]gmail[dot]com |
5 | Ms. Sushma Adhikari Sr. Accounts Officer (PAO Hqrs.) |
Room No. 333 'A', 3rd Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, CR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 91-11-23370456
Fax: E-Mail: paocbec[at]gmail[dot]com prccacbic-paohq[at]gov[dot]in |
6 | Ms. Nirmal Kaur Senior Accounts Officer {Legal Cell, Vigilance, RTI, Grievance Redressal Cell & GST Refund Helpdesk} |
Room No. 111, 'B' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 91-11-23702300
Fax: E-Mail: legalcellcbec[at]gmail[dot]com gstrefunds-helpdesk[at]gov[dot]in |
7 | Ms. Anita Dogra {Head of Office} Senior Accounts Officer {Estt.-I & Estt - II} |
Room No. 105, 'A' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 91-11-23702274
Fax: E-Mail: prccacbec1[at]gmail[dot]com prccacbec2[at]gmail[dot]com |
8 | Shri Shashi Kumar Bisht Sr. AO (Administration-I, Administration-II, APAR & Diary Dispatch) |
Room No. 104 'A' Wing, 1st Floor, O/o of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, AGCR Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110002 |
Ph: 91-11-23702274
Fax: E-Mail: admncbec[at]gmail[dot]com aparpccacbec[at]gmail[dot]com |
S.No | Zonal Officers | Officers Image | Official Address | Contact No. / E-mail ID |
1 | Shri Patil Chinmay Prabhakar Controller of Accounts (WZ) {Additional Charge} |
9th Floor, New Custom House Ballard State Mumbai-400001 |
Ph: 011-23381410
Fax: E-Mail: chinmay[dot]patil[at]gov[dot]com |
2 | Amutha Pandiyarajan Deputy Controller of Accounts (SZ) |
Room No. 202A , IInd Floor, GST Bhavan Annexe, UG Salai, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034 |
Ph: 044 - 28331044
Fax: E-Mail: amutha[dot]pandiyarajan[at]gov[dot]in |
3 | Ms. Deepti Bagga Dy. Controller of Accounts (East Zone) |
O/o DCA, CBIC, 15/1 Strand Road, 6th Floor, M.S, Building Kolkata - 700001 |
Ph: 033-22436705
Fax: 033-22436706 E-Mail: dcacbecezkolkata[at]gmail[dot]com dca.ez-cbec[at]gov[dot]in deepti.bagga@gov.in |